If you follow my blog close enough or even if you don’t, you can start reading it now and you will eventually end up with this question: “What is Everything”? You maybe confused but let me try to explain but let’s look at what has been discussed so far.

Summary of My Previous Posts

Everything has life and life is anything that can move by its own. Therefore, our universe is always in progress state which also means there is no beginning and no ending in our entire universe.  Due to the fact that the universe has no ending and no beginning, it always in progress to infinite milestones which are defined by the system and the system is everything.

So by now you may realized that I started with “Everything” and it ends up with also “Everything”. So what exactly is EVERYTHING? You should have the best guess by now:

Everything is Looping

Let’s look at every life or any object that move by its own, how they move? They in fact all move in a loop. This is no exception to electron, earth and sun and so on all the way to the higher or lower of the system. Looping is the key no matter what perspective you’re looking at it. This also explains why “Deja Vu” happens and why people can predict the future. The reason is they have been in the loop before and they have gone through the path that they may aware or may not aware of it at all.

One very interesting thing here is, are they going to the same loop again and again? Not exactly! This is because the entire loop is looping too. When you start at point A then B, C, D and back to A (i.e. A->B->C->D->A). You seem to be back to A but not exactly because the entire loop (i.e. A->B->C->D) is just part of another loop system. You back to the point A and this point A may look exactly the same with your previous point A but it is NOT.

Let’s look at the diagram above and see if you can get it (Sorry, I lazy to draw myself and I used this electron diagram to illustrate this and hopefully you can get it). As you can see, while the electron (BLUE) is moving around the nucleus (RED), both of them are also in fact are moving too in one direction. So when the electron back to the point A where it started, it is technically not exactly the same place although it looks exactly the same place within the electron's perspective or worldview.

Therefore it leads to another very interesting conclusion is:  

We Think We Are that We Are Not!